Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The User Friendly Guide To Using PayPal

Getting Started With PayPal

Virtually anyone may set up a PayPal account. All that's needed is a valid email address along with a bank account or credit card. PayPal doesn't charge you to set up an account. They do however, charge a small percentage of any funds you receive through their system. Some of the benefits of using PayPal are as follows:

•No monthly fees to maintain a PayPal account.
•No setup fees.
•No gateway fees.
•No fees for multiple eBay and merchant tools. PayPal is free for buyers sending money to others. PayPal Fees:
PayPal charges sellers a 30 cent fee per transaction plus a surcharge of 2.4% to 3.4% depending upon the amount you receive. The surcharge is automatically deducted from each payment you receive.


The above fees are for US transactions. For Canadian Fees  Click Here. For European Fees  Click Here. For the PayPal Currency Converter,  Click Here.

If you regularly receive more than $3000 per month you qualify for PayPal's merchant rate which may be as low as 1.9 percent. PayPal receives its profit by charging a percentage of the money it transfers for you.
Setting Up A PayPal Account

There are three types of PayPal accounts:

You'll need a valid email address and either a bank account or credit card to open a PayPal

Go Here To Set Up Your PayPal Account
Using PayPal Merchant Services
Creating A “Buy Now” Button For Your Offer

To offer products with PayPal you'll need to create buyer's buttons or “Buy Now” buttons. The following illustrations will show you how to create a Buy Now Button.

Logging into your Account:

You'll start the process by logging into PayPal. Click here to go to  PayPal

When you arrive at the site you'll see a field to log into your account by entering your email address and password:

Click on the Merchant Services Tab in your account:

Step Three:

Click on one of the the Buy Now Links Below

Notice that in Merchant services you can also create Donate Buttons and much more...
You'll also notice that you have lots of options once you click on the buy now option. Take a little time and explore them. You can't really make a mistake because you can always simply exit the page without saving your work. Let's create a simple BUY NOW button.

1. Choose “Buy Now” From the Drop Down Menu (see below)
2. Enter The Name Of Your Product, Service or Item
3. Enter The Price Of Your Product, Service or Item

Continued On The Next Page...
Creating A Buy Button Continued...

4. Enter Weight For Shipping Info
5. IMPORTANT: Use Specific Amount For Digital Products (Downloads) & Enter “0”
6. Use “My Secure Merchant Account

7. Click “Create Button” You'll be taken to the page below.
8. Choose the “Website” Tab below. Click “Select Code.” Copy the code and place it in the spot on your Web page where you want the Buy Now button. (Note “Buyer's View Below)

Creating A Shopping Cart For Multiple Items

1. Log into your account and click On Merchant Services

2. Click On One Of The “Add To Cart” Links

Follow the instructions on the next page to set up your Shopping Cart...
Setting Up A Shopping Cart Is Simple

1. Select Shopping Cart
2. Name Your Offer. I've Called This Offer “Colored Balls”
3. Check “Add Drop-Down Menu With Price/Option” (PayPal shows an example if you need it)
4. Next You Name The Options. I've Called This “Ball Choices”
5. Then Name Your Options. I've Called These, “Red Ball, Blue Ball & Yellow Ball.
6. Price Your Items. I've Priced The Balls $5, $10 & $15
Notice The “Add Another Option Link. This Allows You To Add Additional Items
7. Click “Done” When You Have All Items & Prices In Place

After you've clicked “Done” you'll be directed to the page shown below with your HTML code. First click “Select” and then copy the code to the spot on your Web page where you want the “Add To Cart” button. Notice the Buyer's View on the right. Your buyer simply selects the item he wants and then clicks the “Add To Cart” button below. This can be done for one or all items offered and the total price will change with each addition. That's all there is to it.

Linking To Your Own Buy Button

Below are various Buy buttons one might like to use in the place of the generic PayPal Buy Now button.

It's actually quite a simple matter to link your offer to your own button.

Follow the instructions for creating a “Buy Now” Button you'll find on page 8 of this guide. The only thing you'll do differently is the last step. See below.

Instead of selecting “Website” Click on the “Email” Tab and copy the short bit of code in the
field below. Then simply link that code to your button and test. You should have your own custom button linked to your PayPal checkout page.
How To Send Money Using PayPal

Log into your PayPal account using your email and password. Select the “Send Money” tab.

You'll be taken to a page where you'll need to type in the email address of the person receiving the funds, the amount of money you're sending, and whether the payment is personal or a purchase. When you've entered these items click “Continue.”

You'll be taken to a page where you can review your payment. If you're shipping an item you'll find the recipient's address along with a field where you can enter a short email message. When you're satisfied that everything is correct simply click the “Send Money” button and your payment will be on its way.

How To Issue A PayPal Refund

To issue a customer refund start by logging into your account and click on “Overview.” This will display all recent activity in your account.
To issue the refund you'll need some information about customer's purchase. Such as: Name
Date Of Purchase email address Amount Of Purchase

This shouldn't be a problem, however, when you have a lot of entries in the overview section, the more information you have, the easier it is to locate your customer's transaction.

First find the transaction. I've blurred out the names of my customers for privacy purposes (next page).

If you're having trouble locating the transaction click the “View All Of My Transactions” and you can scroll through your entries according to date.

You can see the date and name of the customer along with the amount received. Identify the customer and then click on “Details.”

You'll be directed to a page below with specif transaction details. Proceed by clicking the “Issue A Refund” link shown below.

You'll then be directed to a page where you'll have the option to enter the transaction invoice number along with an optional note to your customer. See Below.

Finally, you'll be directed to a page where you'll actually pull the trigger on sending your customer his refund. See Below

Shortly after issuing the refund you'll see an entry in the overview section of your account documenting the refund:

Dealing With PayPal Disputes – PayPal Resolution Center

PayPal offers a comprehensive set of tools for dealing with problems and potential problems. Start by logging into your account and clicking on the “Resolution Center” link shown below.

Once inside the Resolution Center you can view: Open Cases as well as Tips and Tutorials.

If you need help with an issue click on “Report A Problem” shown below:

You'll be taken to a page where you'll proceed. See below:

You'll need your a Transaction ID number to report an issue.

If you don't have your Transaction ID number, click the link shown above. It will take you to your Account Overview where you can locate the transaction in question. See below:

Locate the transaction in question on your Account Overview page and click “Details” as shown above. You'll then be directed to a page where you'll see the details of the transaction in question. Your Transaction ID will be the fist item shown. See the illustration on the next page.
Copy the Unique Transaction ID number below and return to the resolution center. See illustration below.

Enter the Transaction ID number as shown below and then click on “Continue.”

You'll need to check what type of problem you're reporting. See Below. When finished, click

From this point you will be directed to a page where you can go into detail about the issue and request a refund. You'll have a number of options to choose from in describing your problem. See below.

Click Continue when finished. Your dispute will go on file as active and a notice will be sent to the merchant via email. From here you will have the opportunity to communicate with the merchant via PayPal moderated email.
How To Send A Buyer To Your Download Page After Checkout

When selling digital download products you can easily direct your buyers to to a download page after checkout. First, go to page 8 and review how to create a buy button.

After you've answered all questions for creating your “Buy Now” button you'll find Step 2 and
Step 3 at the bottom of the page. Click on Step 3.

You'll be taken to a new page. Scroll down to the field that says, “Take customers to this URL when they finish checkout. Check the box and put your download link in the field. Then simply click “Create Button.” You'll be immediately sent to the page where you'll get your button code. After checkout your customers will have the option to “Return To The Merchant Page.” That will be the download page.

Save PayPal Fees By Using The Mass Pay Feature

Mass Pay is a very convenient PayPal feature for many reasons. You can make up to 5000 payments at once. With Mass Pay, you pay $1 convenience fee instead of PayPal’s standard 4%. This can save you lots of money, especially when you’re sending larger payments.
Here’s an easy way to use mass pay:

Log into your PayPal account and click “Merchant Services.” Then, click “Mass Pay” under the “Manage Payments” section.
Next, set up a simple .txt file using notepad. Make it look like this:

To send multiple payments, simply add new lines with the necessary information.

Then go back to your PayPal screen, click “Use Mass Payment” and upload your text file. PayPal does the rest and you save big time on big fees!

Automatic Redirect Page

If you’d like a buyer to be automatically sent to your download (or any other) page after purchase, follow these instructions.

Log into your PayPal account, click “Profile” and “More Options”

Then, on the left side tab, click “My Selling Tools” and click “Update” for Website Preferences.

Which will take you to this screen:

From here all you need to do is switch auto return from Off to On, and enter the URL you want
PayPal to automatically send your customers to.
Requesting Money Through PayPal

There are times when you'll want to bill someone for products or services. PayPal provides a couple of ways for you to do this and they're both simple. Start by logging into your account and clicking on the “Request Money” tab shown below.

Then Click on the “Request Money Icon shown below.

On the following page you'll need to enter the recipient's email address along with the amount owed. You'll then need to check whether the request is being sent for goods or services.

When finished click the “Continue” button.

You'll then be directed to a page that shows the details of the request. Check these for accuracy and simply click “Request Money.” That's all there is to it.

Creating & Sending A PayPal Invoice

Log into your account and click on the “Request Money” tab.

Then click on the “Create An Invoice icon as shown below:

Simply fill in the blanks as shown below. Your contact info will automatically be displayed.

Enter the email address of the recipient:

And finally, fill in the appropriate information as required and click the “Send” button. You're finished.

How To Withdraw Money From Your PayPal Account

Log into your account and click on the “Withdraw” link as shown below:

You'll be directed to a page and presented with five different options for receiving your funds. Simply click on the one you want and follow the simple instructions.

Using My Saved Buttons

PayPal offers a very useful feature called “My Saved Buttons.” Using it allows you to edit, modify and even delete your existing buttons. And it's simple to use.

First, log into your account and click on Merchant Services:

Once inside, click on My Saved Buttons. See below:

You'll see a list of all of your existing buttons. Select the one you want to edit and click on the action icon to the right. See below:

You'll be directed to the details of your button where you'll be able to make changes, including:

•    Edit button
•    View code
•    Create similar button
•    Delete button
•    Create new button

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